Red Dawn Quiz #2

Created on By gWebs

Red Dawn (1984) Quiz #2

1 / 10

U.S. military mission that was codenamed Operation Red Dawn in 2003 accomplished what?

2 / 10

What was screenwriter Kevin Reynolds' original title of Red Dawn?

3 / 10

The AK47s used in the movie Red Dawn were provided by who?

4 / 10

Red Dawn was filmed in what location?

5 / 10

The writer of Red Dawn (1984) was later a director of what movie in 1995 ?

6 / 10

The National Coalition on Television Violence condemned Rd Dawn (1984) for what reason?

7 / 10

William Smith played the Russian Colonel Strelnikov, earlier in his life he had been a ?

8 / 10

What is the name of this character ?

9 / 10

The Wolverines meet a downed American fighter pilot, what plane was he flying?

10 / 10

The cast of Red Dawn participated in military-like training before filming began for how many weeks ?

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