Video Game Quiz #1

Created on By gWebs

Video Game Guns - Tactical Quiz 01

You will b challenged more than any viedo game with our quiz about guns from video games

Do not take this quiz if you get upset easily

1 / 10

powerful vidya game gun rewards accuracy with an instant kill, what 1997 game is it from?

2 / 10

AMT Arcadia Machine and Tool made a 1911 Hardballer which was used in what video game released in 2000?

3 / 10

The video game Duck Hunt in 1984 used what kind of gun?

4 / 10

In this 1994 video game you fired two blasts (outside the house) what video game is it?

5 / 10

in the 1998 Unreal series this gun uses ionised flechettes as projectiles, what is it called?

6 / 10

Counter-Strike game from 1999 has a rifle called a ?

7 / 10

Resident Evil 4 in 2005 used a revolver called the "Handcannon" in what caliber?

8 / 10

Contra video game from 1987 used a special gun that did what?

9 / 10

Laptop sub-machine gun which could become a sentry gun with motion detectors that automatically lock onto targets is from what Nintendo 64 video game ?

10 / 10

Titanfall from 2014 has an interesting pistol called the 'Smart Pistol MK5' that can do what?

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