Ask Gun Qs Posted on March 26, 2022 by gWebs 0 Created on March 25, 2022 By gWebs Weekly 2A Wrap Up Quiz #1 1 / 10 1. the Gun-Free Zone Act of 1990 was introduced by a senator from which state? 1. Alabama 2. Conneticut 3. Rhode Island 4. Wisconsin Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl 2 / 10 2. Which which was larger Camp Perry range or the Sea Gert range ? 1. Camp Perry 2. Sea Girt range 3 / 10 3. Which was first Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute or Clint Smith Thunder Ranch? 1. Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute 2. Clint Smith Thunder Ranch 4 / 10 4. When was the first gun rights policy conference? 1. 1992 2. 1984 3. 1986 4. 1988 1986 in Seattle Washington 5 / 10 5. Which is the older semi-auto pistol caliber? 1. 40 Smith & Wesson 2. .357 Sig 40 Smith & Wesson = 1990.357 Sig = 1994 6 / 10 6. Which museum has more guns on public display ? 1. Rock Island Arsenal Museum in Illinois 2. Springfield Armory Museum in Massachusetts Springfield Armory Museum = 1,500 gunsRock Island Museum = 1,200 guns 7 / 10 7. Which is a larger collection of firearms? 1. ATF's Firearms collection in West Virginia 2. FBI's Reference Firearms collection at Quantico Virginia ATF collection = 10,000 gunsFBI museum = 7,000 guns 8 / 10 8. Which is older? the Trinidad Gunsmithing School in Colorado or the Yapavi Gunsmithing course in Prescott Arizona? 1. Yapavi Gunsmithing Courses 2. Trinidad Gunsmithing School 9 / 10 9. Which is the older large handgun caliber? 1. 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum 2. 50 action Express 500 magnum = 200350 action Express = 1988 10 / 10 10. Which gun blog was first Ken Blanchard's Black Man with a Gun or Ammoland? 1. Black Man with a Gun 2. Ammoland Black Man with a Gun blog = 2002Ammoland = 2008 Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback