National Gun Law Quiz

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National Gun Laws - Firearm Law Quiz #1

Firearm Law Quiz #1
National Gun Laws
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Posted in 2A

Gun Owners Rights Group Quiz

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Gun Owners Rights Group Quiz

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1 / 1

What year did Every 2nd Matters start?

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Posted in 2A

2A Activist Quiz

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2A Activist Quiz

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1 / 2

Which gun blog was first Ken Blanchard's Black  Man with a Gun or Ammoland?

2 / 2

What year did Every 2nd Matters start?

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Posted in 2A

Firearm Trainer Quiz

Created on By gwebs

Firearm Trainer Quiz

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1 / 3

Which gun blog was first Ken Blanchard's Black  Man with a Gun or Ammoland?

2 / 3

Which was first Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute or Clint Smith Thunder Ranch?

3 / 3

Which is older the Sig Sauer Academy or Blackwater/Academi ?

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Firearm School Quiz

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Firearm School Quiz

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1 / 6

Which was first Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute or Clint Smith Thunder Ranch?

2 / 6

Which is older the Sig Sauer Academy or Blackwater/Academi ?

3 / 6

Which is larger the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park in Tennessee or the Ben Avery Shooting facility in Arizona

4 / 6

Which which was larger Camp Perry range or the Sea Gert range ?

5 / 6

Which is older? the Trinidad Gunsmithing School in Colorado or the Yapavi Gunsmithing course in Prescott Arizona?

6 / 6

Which state has three nationally-recognized Gunsmithing Schools?

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Gunsmithing Quiz #1

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Gunsmithing Quiz #1

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1 / 10

Which is older? the Trinidad Gunsmithing School in Colorado or the Yapavi Gunsmithing course in Prescott Arizona?

2 / 10

Which state has three nationally-recognized Gunsmithing Schools?

3 / 10

Colt Single Action Army revolver was designed in what year?

4 / 10

Which Federal Law created the FFL registration, regulation & enforcement system that grew into what we have today?

5 / 10

What type of FFL is a gun shop?

6 / 10

How many types of FFL license are there?

7 / 10

The first Gunsmith in the North American colonies that would become the USA was in which Colony?

8 / 10

When adjusting iron sights, remember..

9 / 10

When you are mounting a scope, best practice is to..

10 / 10

Which of these issues could cause a firearm to explode?

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Gunsmithing School Quiz

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Gunsmithing School Quiz

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1 / 2

Which state has three nationally-recognized Gunsmithing Schools?

2 / 2

Which is older? the Trinidad Gunsmithing School in Colorado or the Yapavi Gunsmithing course in Prescott Arizona?

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Firearm Museum Map Quiz

Created on By gwebs

Firearm Museum Map Quiz

Test your knowledge of Firearm Museums in the USA

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Ammunition Quiz #1

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Ammunition Quiz 001

Our first ammunition Quiz
Stay tuned for many more

1 / 10

the 223 Remington the 308 Winchester & the 44 magnum were each invented in what year?

2 / 10

Which is the older large handgun caliber?

3 / 10

US Army adopted its first bolt action service rifle with the first smokeless powder cartridge in 1892, what caliber was it?

4 / 10

What round was the 30-40 Krag designed to replace in 1892?

5 / 10

Who were the inventors of the .357 magnum in 1934?

6 / 10

Who was the inventor of the 44 magnum?

7 / 10

Which is the older semi-auto pistol caliber?

8 / 10

Winchester 1866 "Yellow Boy" lever action rifles were chambered in what caliber?

9 / 10

What was the first type of rimfire ammunition?

10 / 10

Johnny Rowland invented the 460 Rowland in what year?

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Firearm Inventor Quiz #1

Created on By gWebs

Firearm Inventors

1 / 10

Which firearm inventor also invented the radial tire?

2 / 10

Johnny Rowland invented the 460 Rowland in what year?

3 / 10

What was the first model produced by Hi-Point Firearms?

4 / 10

Hi Point started where?

5 / 10

Hiram Maxim sell the first commercially successful firearm suppressor ?

6 / 10

Who designed of the first suppressor in 1902 ?

7 / 10

Colt Single Action Army revolver was designed in what year?

8 / 10

Who were the inventors of the .357 magnum in 1934?

9 / 10

Who was the inventor of the 44 magnum?

10 / 10

the 223 Remington the 308 Winchester & the 44 magnum were each invented in what year?

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