Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Quiz

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Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Quiz

a fun quiz about the Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act??

  • Is that even legal?
  • Is this appropriate?
  • Can it even be any fun?

1 / 10

Who gets mandatory minimum sentences now under the new unjust infringements ?

2 / 10

Who is now at risk of federal investigation under this new unjust law?

3 / 10

 With these new Anti-Gun Owners Rights Laws, a person less than 21 years of age ?

4 / 10

Which School Safety Organizations will get the most funding?

5 / 10

Which states get the new anti-gun owners rights "Grant Money" ?

6 / 10

Who pays for all the new gun control?

7 / 10

The estimated population of the U.S. was approximately 329.48 million in 2021
What is the largest age group of adults ?

8 / 10

Is this a "Done Deal" and there is nothing you can do to stop it?

9 / 10

How did the Senators cram this so called "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act" through so fast?

10 / 10

The ATF gets $1 million dollars a year to "to combat illegal straw purchases of firearms" for how many years under this new waste of money, feel good law?

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The average score is 74%


Who Invented This Gun?

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Who Invented This Gun?

Firearms Inventor challenge, do you know about who invented the guns we all love to shoot?

1 / 10

What invention is Samuel Colt most known for?

2 / 10

What kind of weapon was named after Davy Crockett ?

3 / 10

Where was the first gunpowder developed?

4 / 10

Who developed a flintlock weapon with a revolving cylinder in 1818, before Colt

5 / 10

Hiram Maxim invented the Maxim Machine gun, which of the following is not true about his life?

6 / 10

John Moses Browning had how many firearm patents ?

7 / 10

8 / 10

Who invented this gun?

9 / 10

Who invented this pistol?

10 / 10

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The average score is 58%


Basic Firearm Quiz

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Basic Firearm Quiz

Are you very new to guns? here are some of the basics

1 / 7

When you pull the trigger on a semi-auto firearm, what happens?

2 / 7

Which gun is nicknamed the Chicago Typewriter?

3 / 7

A great place to start or grow an ammunition collection is?

4 / 7

The most important part of Firearm Safety is?

5 / 7

Who has the ability to yell "Cease Fire" at a shooting range?

6 / 7

What is James Bond's pistol manufacturer

7 / 7

What invention is Samuel Colt most known for?

Your score is

The average score is 73%


EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

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EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

1 / 10

The knife in this photo is what brand?

2 / 10

the CR 123 battery is how many volts?

3 / 10

We gave away this D.I.Y EDC item for our Gun Show Loophole Tour in 2019, what was it?

4 / 10

Which of these pens is the most expensive ?

5 / 10

In an emergency you might need to react & move quickly, what EDC items are a good idea for this situation?

6 / 10

Orange gear is better than other gear because ?

7 / 10

MIL-Spec 550 cord has how many internal cords?

8 / 10

Which of these blade styles would best be described as "Clip Point" ?

9 / 10

The best trauma kit is?

10 / 10

The first flashlight patented in the U.S.was powered by what size battery?

Your score is

The average score is 55%


Guns in the Movies of 1984

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Guns in the Movies of 1984

1 / 10

in the film Night of the Comet, Hector first appears at the radio station with what kind of firearm ?

2 / 10

Kim Cattrall carries the firearm issued to the cadets, what is it?

3 / 10

Terminator (1984) the robot has an AMT Hardballer .45 Longslide with what brand laser?

4 / 10

the movie Tank (1984) featured what model tank?

5 / 10

The movie Ghostbusters contained instructions on how to build what kind of gun?

6 / 10

Buckaroo Banzai carries what firearm?

7 / 10

Which of the following guns is NOT in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) features all the following guns except which one?

8 / 10

In Johnny Dangerously (1984) Danny Vermin has a long barreled Colt New Service Revolver with black pearl grips in what caliber?

9 / 10

What would daddy have bought them ?
Night of the Comet (1984)

10 / 10

In Police Academy (1984)  Cadet Eugene Tackleberry brings what caliber gun from home?

Your score is

The average score is 60%


Modern Gun Trivia #1

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Modern Gun Trivia #1

1 / 10

This iconic pistol is chambered in what caliber?

2 / 10

This iconic pistol is chambered in what caliber?

3 / 10

This is the first pistol from which manufacturer?

4 / 10

The Colt Walker in .44 cal holds how many rounds in it's cylinder ?

5 / 10

What year was the 9mm Draco, the NAK-9 pistol introduced?

6 / 10

What year was the Heckler & Koch MP-5 invented ?

7 / 10

How many rounds are in the Nagant M1895 revolver ?

8 / 10

What does MAC stand for?

9 / 10

Which variant of the Thompson is this one?

10 / 10

What caliber was the UZI not manufactured in?

Your score is

The average score is 60%


Red Dawn Quiz #2

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Red Dawn (1984) Quiz #2

1 / 10

U.S. military mission that was codenamed Operation Red Dawn in 2003 accomplished what?

2 / 10

What was screenwriter Kevin Reynolds' original title of Red Dawn?

3 / 10

The AK47s used in the movie Red Dawn were provided by who?

4 / 10

Red Dawn was filmed in what location?

5 / 10

The writer of Red Dawn (1984) was later a director of what movie in 1995 ?

6 / 10

The National Coalition on Television Violence condemned Rd Dawn (1984) for what reason?

7 / 10

William Smith played the Russian Colonel Strelnikov, earlier in his life he had been a ?

8 / 10

What is the name of this character ?

9 / 10

The Wolverines meet a downed American fighter pilot, what plane was he flying?

10 / 10

The cast of Red Dawn participated in military-like training before filming began for how many weeks ?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Red Dawn Quiz #1

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Red Dawn (1984) Quiz #1

1 / 10

The Kalashnikov rifles used in the making of Red Dawn were what type?

2 / 10

What are they doing in this photo?

3 / 10

Patrick Swayze was what age during the filming of Red Dawn?

4 / 10

Red Dawn helped launch the careers of many of the actors, it was which actor's first role in a feature film?

5 / 10

Red Dawn is the first film to receive what rating from the Motion Picture Association?

6 / 10

Red Dawn was released in 1984, in which month?

7 / 10

What year was Red Dawn (1984) supposed to happen in?

8 / 10

Red Dawn (1984) was directed by?

9 / 10

Red Dawn (1984) was set in what state?

10 / 10

What is the name of this character?

Your score is

The average score is 56%


Revolver Quiz #2

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Revolver Quiz

1 / 10

Smith & Wesson Model 10, the most popular center fire revolver of the 20th century, how many were made over the years?

2 / 10

The Smith & Wesson Model 10 was introduced in what year?

3 / 10

In 1907 Colt discontinued the New Police Revolver,and replaced it with what model?

4 / 10

In 1896 Theodore Roosevelt, as the President of the Board of Commissioners of the NYPD, ordered 4,500 Colt New Police revolvers, what caliber were they?

5 / 10

Colt Single Action Army revolver was designed in what year?

6 / 10

In what year did the Illinois State Police became the first major law enforcement agency to adopt a semi-auto pistol as standard issue sidearm ?

7 / 10

NYPD switched from revolvers to semi-auto pistols in what year?

8 / 10

Big Frame Revolver from Magnum Research introduced in what year?

9 / 10

The first cartridge revolvers were created by what company?

10 / 10

Which direction do most Colt revolvers rotate?

Your score is

The average score is 58%
