Gun Channels Quiz No.1 Posted on March 31, 2022 by gWebs 7 Created on March 31, 2022 By gWebs Gun Channels Quiz #1 1 / 10 We started taking a photo with the logo patches at our Gun Channels meet ups at the suggestion of which member? Biker Bob Marco Pink_Pnther_69 Quark 2 / 10 Which of the follow projects started First? Every 2nd Matters 3 / 10 Gun Channels members meet up at what big event twice each year? Dallas Gun Show Miami Gun SHow Las Vegas Gun Show Tulsa Gun Show 4 / 10 GunWebsites started Gun Channels with which channel in 2013? Biker Bob Glock Guru Pink_Pnther_69 Smeggie 5 / 10 Which channel would make leather holster LIVE during chats? Biker Bob One Bad Marine Nathans Armory Space Bunz 6 / 10 Glocktober started in the GunChannels conversations in what year ? 2013 2014 2015 2016 7 / 10 Gun Channels Lobby Chats started with which long-time member? Nightstryke Pink_Pnther_69 Quark SeanPwnery 8 / 10 What channel member made knives during LIVE chats? Ghost Town Nathans Armory Moonfood78 Some Guy In Sandy 9 / 10 Which channel would talk about shooting with the Single Action Shooting competitions ? Biker Bob KMAbeaver Nathans Armory Space Bunz 10 / 10 What year did Every 2nd Matters start? 2012 2013 2014 2015 Your score is The average score is 49% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz
Ask Gun Qs Posted on March 26, 2022 by gWebs 0 Created on March 25, 2022 By gWebs Weekly 2A Wrap Up Quiz #1 1 / 10 1. Which museum has more guns on public display ? 1. Rock Island Arsenal Museum in Illinois 2. Springfield Armory Museum in Massachusetts Springfield Armory Museum = 1,500 gunsRock Island Museum = 1,200 guns 2 / 10 2. Which was first Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute or Clint Smith Thunder Ranch? 1. Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute 2. Clint Smith Thunder Ranch 3 / 10 3. Which is a larger collection of firearms? 1. ATF's Firearms collection in West Virginia 2. FBI's Reference Firearms collection at Quantico Virginia ATF collection = 10,000 gunsFBI museum = 7,000 guns 4 / 10 4. Which which was larger Camp Perry range or the Sea Gert range ? 1. Camp Perry 2. Sea Girt range 5 / 10 5. Which is the older large handgun caliber? 1. 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum 2. 50 action Express 500 magnum = 200350 action Express = 1988 6 / 10 6. the Gun-Free Zone Act of 1990 was introduced by a senator from which state? 1. Alabama 2. Conneticut 3. Rhode Island 4. Wisconsin Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl 7 / 10 7. Which gun blog was first Ken Blanchard's Black Man with a Gun or Ammoland? 1. Black Man with a Gun 2. Ammoland Black Man with a Gun blog = 2002Ammoland = 2008 8 / 10 8. When was the first gun rights policy conference? 1. 1992 2. 1984 3. 1986 4. 1988 1986 in Seattle Washington 9 / 10 9. Which is the older semi-auto pistol caliber? 1. 40 Smith & Wesson 2. .357 Sig 40 Smith & Wesson = 1990.357 Sig = 1994 10 / 10 10. Which is older? the Trinidad Gunsmithing School in Colorado or the Yapavi Gunsmithing course in Prescott Arizona? 1. Yapavi Gunsmithing Courses 2. Trinidad Gunsmithing School Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback
Firearm Trainer Quiz Posted on March 24, 2022 by gWebs 0 Created on March 24, 2022 By gwebs Firearm Trainer Quiz You will need a Passwordto finish this quizCheck out our Patreon for details 1 / 3 Which gun blog was first Ken Blanchard's Black Man with a Gun or Ammoland? Black Man with a Gun Ammoland Black Man with a Gun blog = 2002Ammoland = 2008 2 / 3 Which was first Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute or Clint Smith Thunder Ranch? Massad Ayoob Lethal Force Institute Clint Smith Thunder Ranch 3 / 3 Which is older the Sig Sauer Academy or Blackwater/Academi ? Sig Sauer Academy Blackwater / Academi Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz