EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

Created on By gWebs

EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

1 / 10

The knife in this photo is what brand?

2 / 10

the CR 123 battery is how many volts?

3 / 10

We gave away this D.I.Y EDC item for our Gun Show Loophole Tour in 2019, what was it?

4 / 10

Which of these pens is the most expensive ?

5 / 10

In an emergency you might need to react & move quickly, what EDC items are a good idea for this situation?

6 / 10

Orange gear is better than other gear because ?

7 / 10

MIL-Spec 550 cord has how many internal cords?

8 / 10

Which of these blade styles would best be described as "Clip Point" ?

9 / 10

The best trauma kit is?

10 / 10

The first flashlight patented in the U.S.was powered by what size battery?

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The average score is 55%
