Hunting Quiz

Created on By gWebs

Hunting Quiz #1

1 / 10

Which is the oldest hunting organization ?

2 / 10

The Federal Excise Tax on Sporting Arms, Ammunition, and Archery Equipment is how much?

3 / 10

Which of these factors has the largest impact on a firearm's range?

4 / 10

Something makes a noise, and a deer snorts, what does this mean ?


5 / 10

Illegal killing, trapping or capture of game species is called?

6 / 10

Visual Bending of Crosshairs in relation to the Target is called ?

7 / 10

What is the spread of pellets called after it leaves the shotgun barrel ?

8 / 10

What percentage of people hunt in the US ?

9 / 10

How well can a deer see while it is looking forward ?

10 / 10

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (also known as the Pittman-Robertson Act) was passed in the U.S.

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