Modern Gun Trivia #1

Created on By gWebs

Modern Gun Trivia #1

1 / 10

This iconic pistol is chambered in what caliber?

2 / 10

This iconic pistol is chambered in what caliber?

3 / 10

This is the first pistol from which manufacturer?

4 / 10

The Colt Walker in .44 cal holds how many rounds in it's cylinder ?

5 / 10

What year was the 9mm Draco, the NAK-9 pistol introduced?

6 / 10

What year was the Heckler & Koch MP-5 invented ?

7 / 10

How many rounds are in the Nagant M1895 revolver ?

8 / 10

What does MAC stand for?

9 / 10

Which variant of the Thompson is this one?

10 / 10

What caliber was the UZI not manufactured in?

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