Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Quiz

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Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Quiz

a fun quiz about the Senators’ Bipartisan Safer Communities Act??

  • Is that even legal?
  • Is this appropriate?
  • Can it even be any fun?

1 / 10

Who gets mandatory minimum sentences now under the new unjust infringements ?

2 / 10

Who is now at risk of federal investigation under this new unjust law?

3 / 10

 With these new Anti-Gun Owners Rights Laws, a person less than 21 years of age ?

4 / 10

Which School Safety Organizations will get the most funding?

5 / 10

Which states get the new anti-gun owners rights "Grant Money" ?

6 / 10

Who pays for all the new gun control?

7 / 10

The estimated population of the U.S. was approximately 329.48 million in 2021
What is the largest age group of adults ?

8 / 10

Is this a "Done Deal" and there is nothing you can do to stop it?

9 / 10

How did the Senators cram this so called "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act" through so fast?

10 / 10

The ATF gets $1 million dollars a year to "to combat illegal straw purchases of firearms" for how many years under this new waste of money, feel good law?

Your score is

The average score is 74%


Star Wars Guns – ‘May the 4th’ Edition

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Star Wars Guns - 'May the 4th' Edition

Guns of Star Wars & the Firearms that Inspired them

1 / 10

Jawa Ion Blaster is based on what firearm?

2 / 10

The A295 (and A280)  blaster rifles were both based off the German Stg.44 .. who used them?

3 / 10

DLT-19 Heavy Blaster is used by Imperial Heavy Stormtroopers is based on the German MG34 which is chambered in what caliber?

4 / 10

Bergmann No. 1is the basis for the sidearm of which character?

5 / 10

Princess Leias blaster in Star Wars was an almost unaltered Vostok Margolin .22 Long Rifle target pistol, invented by which inventor?

6 / 10

Han Solo shot first in a Cantina on what planet?

7 / 10

the Webley & Scott Number 1 Mark 1 Flare Gun is the base for who's sidearm?

8 / 10

Lewis light machine gun was the basis for the BlasTech T-21 Light Repeating Blaster used by the stormtroopers across the galaxy, what caliber was the Lewis LMG chambered in?

9 / 10

the S-5 Heavy Blaster based on the Walther LPM-1 Air Gun was used by the Naboo security forces in which movie?

10 / 10

BlasTech E-11 was based on what firearm ?

Your score is

The average score is 57%


2A Organization Challenge

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2A Organization Challenge

Challenge your knowledge of the organizations that create awareness & defend what our second amendment protects

1 / 10

What organization hosts the SHOT Show each year?

2 / 10

“Neal” Knox founded which pro gun owners right's organization in 1984 ?

3 / 10

Revere’s Riders was formed in 2015 by a group from what other organization?

4 / 10

Chicago Guns Matter (CGM)
An organization made up of pro-gun advocates in and around Chicago was founded in 2017 by which 2A Activist?

5 / 10

Which of these youth focused 2A organizations is the oldest?

6 / 10

Which of these state gun owners rights groups was created first?

7 / 10

Gun Owners of America was founded in what year?

8 / 10

Marion Hammer, the first female NRA President from 1995 - 1998 created the Eddie Eagle program in what year?

9 / 10

Alan Gottlieb founded the Citizens Committee Right to Keep and Bear Arms in 1972 in what state?

10 / 10

Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) is from which state?

Your score is

The average score is 49%


Posted in 2A

Who Invented This Gun?

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Who Invented This Gun?

Firearms Inventor challenge, do you know about who invented the guns we all love to shoot?

1 / 10

What invention is Samuel Colt most known for?

2 / 10

What kind of weapon was named after Davy Crockett ?

3 / 10

Where was the first gunpowder developed?

4 / 10

Who developed a flintlock weapon with a revolving cylinder in 1818, before Colt

5 / 10

Hiram Maxim invented the Maxim Machine gun, which of the following is not true about his life?

6 / 10

John Moses Browning had how many firearm patents ?

7 / 10

8 / 10

Who invented this gun?

9 / 10

Who invented this pistol?

10 / 10

Your score is

The average score is 58%


Shooting Range Knowledge Quiz

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Shooting Range Knowledge Quiz

1 / 10

If your bolt will not stay back / open without the magazine, what should you do at a public range during cease fire?

2 / 10

On most ranges, a rifle is considered "unloaded" if:

3 / 10

Who has the ability to yell "Cease Fire" at a shooting range?

4 / 10

The best targets for 100 yard bullseye shooting are typically what style?

5 / 10

The portion of the shooting range where you case, un-case & shoot your firearms is called?

6 / 10

Indoor shooting ranges in Las Vegas offer what services?

7 / 10

When referring to where the targets are on the shooting range, what is that area called?

8 / 10

Shooting shotgun, what do you traditionally yell to the person with the clay targets when you are ready?

9 / 10

The best thing you can do for a local shooting range is?

10 / 10

Your shooting range has benches east of the berms, so you shoot to the west.. what time of day is the worst to go to the range?

Your score is

The average score is 85%


Basic Firearm Quiz

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Basic Firearm Quiz

Are you very new to guns? here are some of the basics

1 / 7

When you pull the trigger on a semi-auto firearm, what happens?

2 / 7

Which gun is nicknamed the Chicago Typewriter?

3 / 7

A great place to start or grow an ammunition collection is?

4 / 7

The most important part of Firearm Safety is?

5 / 7

Who has the ability to yell "Cease Fire" at a shooting range?

6 / 7

What is James Bond's pistol manufacturer

7 / 7

What invention is Samuel Colt most known for?

Your score is

The average score is 73%


EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

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EDC – Backup Gear Challenge

1 / 10

The knife in this photo is what brand?

2 / 10

the CR 123 battery is how many volts?

3 / 10

We gave away this D.I.Y EDC item for our Gun Show Loophole Tour in 2019, what was it?

4 / 10

Which of these pens is the most expensive ?

5 / 10

In an emergency you might need to react & move quickly, what EDC items are a good idea for this situation?

6 / 10

Orange gear is better than other gear because ?

7 / 10

MIL-Spec 550 cord has how many internal cords?

8 / 10

Which of these blade styles would best be described as "Clip Point" ?

9 / 10

The best trauma kit is?

10 / 10

The first flashlight patented in the U.S.was powered by what size battery?

Your score is

The average score is 55%


Guns in the Movies of 1986

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Guns in the Movies of 1986

Guns made famous in the best movies of 1986

1 / 10

The Colonial Marine Corps (USCM) M41A Pulse Rifle is designed from what real life gun?

2 / 10

The iconic guns of Jack Burton are"

3 / 10

Mick Dundee carries what kind of rifle?

4 / 10

The epic ending of the movie F/X features what firearm?

5 / 10

GySgt. Tom Highway (Clint Eastwood) uses what firearm when he says the famous quote "....and it makes a very distinctive sound when fired at you, so remember it.".

6 / 10

The Kurgan is fighting in a back alley with another immortal and gets shot by a "survivalist" using what kind of firearm?

7 / 10

SSG Elias (Willem Dafoe) and SSG Robert Barnes (Tom Berenger) carry what rifle for most of the movie?

8 / 10

The main firearm of Major Scott McCoy (Chuck Norris) was what?

9 / 10

All three of the main characters used the same type of revolver, what was it?

10 / 10

The movie Top Gun (1986) features what weapon system?

Your score is

The average score is 62%


Guns in the Movies of 1984

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Guns in the Movies of 1984

1 / 10

in the film Night of the Comet, Hector first appears at the radio station with what kind of firearm ?

2 / 10

Kim Cattrall carries the firearm issued to the cadets, what is it?

3 / 10

Terminator (1984) the robot has an AMT Hardballer .45 Longslide with what brand laser?

4 / 10

the movie Tank (1984) featured what model tank?

5 / 10

The movie Ghostbusters contained instructions on how to build what kind of gun?

6 / 10

Buckaroo Banzai carries what firearm?

7 / 10

Which of the following guns is NOT in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) features all the following guns except which one?

8 / 10

In Johnny Dangerously (1984) Danny Vermin has a long barreled Colt New Service Revolver with black pearl grips in what caliber?

9 / 10

What would daddy have bought them ?
Night of the Comet (1984)

10 / 10

In Police Academy (1984)  Cadet Eugene Tackleberry brings what caliber gun from home?

Your score is

The average score is 60%
